The Gospel

The gospel of Jesus Christ–his life, death, resurrection, and exaltation is the lens through which we view every area of life.

Worship of God

We have the duty as creatures and the privilege as children to worship God. Through prayer, sound preaching, and God’s ordinances, we offer up acceptable worship to God and receive His blessing in return.

Service to Others

The Christian life is one of sacrifice. We aim to lovingly serve our neighbors, in imitation of our Lord’s example during His earthly ministry.


Christ’s commission to His Church is to go and make disciples. We do this by baptizing professing believers, and teaching them obedience to Christ’s commands, both as individuals and as members of their household, church, and community.

Biblical Community

We seek to foster the unity in the church that Christ began, oversees, and will ultimately complete through prayer and petition to the Father.

An expanding fellowship of churches united to make disciples of Jesus Christ

An expanding fellowship of churches united to make disciples of Jesus Christ

We are a member of the Bible Fellowship Church. To learn more about our denomination, you can visit their website.